Safe routes to school resources
- Walk and Bike to School Day Toolkit
- Safe Routes to School Coordinator Manual: A How-To Guide for Promoting Walking and Rolling at Your School(released June 2014)
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety for Parents and Youth booklet
- Use Your Head, Wear A Helmet Handout English
- Use Your Head, Wear A Helmet Handout Spanish
- Use Your Head, Wear A Helmet Handout Vietnamese
- Step to Safety with ASIMO- With ASIMO's (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) children learn to stop at curbs, look left-right-left, cross streets with parked cars, cross at intersections, and follow traffic lights and signals.
- Bike Safe - Bike Smart- This short video teaches elementary and middle school age audiences how to bike safely. Topics cover: rules of the road, signaling, riding at night, safe riding practices, and risky behaviors to avoid and tips for purchasing and correctly fitting a bicycle helmet.
- San Miguel Elementary Celebrates International Walk and Bike to School Day 2014 - Schools across Santa Clara County participated in International Walk and Bike to School Day. Students, parents, staff, community leaders, and S.J. Sharkie, the mascot of the San Jose Sharks, all participated in the celebration at San Miguel Elementary in Sunnyvale, CA.
Other traffic safety resources
For more information about Safe Routes to Schools, Walk and Bike to School Week or how to get involved, contact:
Healthy Communities Branch
1775 Story Road
Suite 120
San Jose, CA 95122
United States
Phone: (408) 793-2700
Fax: (408) 251-4014