Safe and healthy communities
Where we live, learn, work and play can have an impact on our health and our opportunity to participate in healthy behaviors. Communities, including homes, schools, public spaces, and work sites, can be transformed to support well-being and make the healthy choice, the easy choice and affordable.
Healthy Cities Program
Visit the Healthy Cities Program page
Cities and counties play an important role in preventing chronic disease by making policy, environmental, and systems changes that promote health. The Healthy Cities Program encourages cities and towns to pass policies that promote health and recognizes cities and towns for their progress through our Healthy Cities Dashboard. Click the Healthy Cities Program link above to learn more about what your city or town is doing to promote health in your community.
Health status of the County of Santa Clara residents
View health and data statistics
The Public Health Department has a team of epidemiologists working together with mappers, health planners, writers and media personnel to present data on the health status of Santa Clara County residents. Data on births and deaths, diseases, as well as health behavior, help to guide the development of public health policies and programs.
Violence free communities: We all play a role
Learn about violence free communities
Violence is preventable. We All Play a Role. Successful violence prevention requires the strengthening of factors that protect and support individuals, families, and communities and reduce risk factors that threaten their well-being. While there is no single solution to preventing violence, there is a range of actions that we can do to stop violence before it happens. We cannot accept that violence, in any form, is inevitable. We need to challenge factors that influence norms, beliefs, and attitudes that support violence. Through participation in meaningful actions, we can disrupt the belief that violence is inevitable. Learn more about the "We All Play a Role" campaign.