Test ticks for Lyme disease
How to remove ticks
- If a tick is found, remove it immediately. Prompt removal can prevent Lyme disease.
- Use a pair of tweezers to grasp the tick’s mouth-parts. If you do not have tweezers use your fingers, but protect them with a tissue. Do not squash the tick; spirochetes released in fluids may penetrate skin.
- Slowly and steadily pull the tick straight out; do not twist. Remove mouth-parts left in skin (tick mouth-parts have harpoon like barbs that do not screw into skin).
- Do not apply alcohol, fingernail polish, heat (lit match), or petroleum jelly to the tick. Applying heat may cause the tick to regurgitate or secrete saliva, sending disease agents into the bite.
- Clean wound with soap and water. Apply a mild antiseptic if available.
- Save the tick for identification and testing for the Lyme disease spirochete.
- Consult your doctor about treatment, if bitten, and other questions.
Package the tick for testing
- Place whole tick, preferably alive, in a small plastic bag, and as soon as possible, mail it or drop it off at the Santa Clara County Public Health Laboratory.
- Keep the tick moist in the small plastic bag with a piece of cotton ball damp water.