Apply to receive nutrition information, breastfeeding support, and healthy foods for your growing family
People can get WIC if they meet the income guidelines, need healthy foods, and are one of the following:
- People who:
- Are pregnant
- Gave birth or lost a pregnancy within the past 6 months
- Are breastfeeding a baby younger than 1 year old
- Infants (up to the infant’s first birthday)
- Children (up to the child’s fifth birthday)
You may be able to get help if you:
- Have Medi-Cal, CalWORKs (TANF) and/or CalFresh (Food Stamps/SNAP)
- Are a foster child or are cared for by your father, grandparent, or a legal guardian
- Are a working family, which includes military and migrant families
Check this WIC tool for the income guidelines and to see if you can get help.
Applying for WIC is easy. Call (408) 792-5101 or text (888) 413-2698 to get started.
WIC staff will see if you are eligible by checking the following:
- Identification for you and any children from birth to 5 years old
- For example, photo ID, Medi-Cal card, birth certificates
- Proof of current address
- For example, phone bill, water bill, or rental leases
- Proof of monthly household gross income
- For example, paycheck, tax return, child support, bank account statement, letter from work, letter of unemployment or disability, Medi-Cal card
- Proof of pregnancy or pregnancy loss
- For example, ultrasound picture or a doctor’s note for lost pregnancy within the past 6 months
WIC staff will ask you some health and nutrition questions, and tell you what the WIC program can offer you. Here are some videos and links for more information:
Say goodbye to paper checks! The new WIC Card is like a debit card with a PIN. You can carry it in your wallet or purse. It is faster and easier to use.
Other exciting changes include:
- Mobile WIC Phone App. Check your balance, foods, and more from the convenience of your phone.
- Flexible spending. Spend a little or a lot on each grocery trip.
- Security. If you lose your card, benefits can be locked until you replace your card.
Call the local WIC Office at (408) 792-5101 or text (888) 413-2698
- to apply for WIC
- to make an appointment
- to ask questions
- to get a replacement for your lost WIC Card
Call the WIC Card Customer Service at 1 (844) 4MY-FAMILY or (844) 469-3264
- to activate, set up, or reset the PIN on your WIC-Card
- to check your food balance
Call the Family Service Line at (800) 852-5770
- to report WIC foods you think are authorized, but did not go through at the store
- to report violations, abuse, or fraud
WIC program news
August 2022:
- WIC is changing to Similac brand milk-based formulas starting August 1, 2022. Soy formula Enfamil ProSobee will stay the same. Check out the WIC App and Formula Transition website for more information.
January 2023:
California WIC Program Updates:
County of Santa Clara Public Health Department WIC program locations
The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department's WIC offices provide appointments by phone and in person.
For other WIC offices in Santa Clara County, please contact Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley at (408) 960-0900 or Gardner Health Services at (408) 254-5197.
Providers and other community agencies can refer a patient to WIC through the Provider Site.
1. Tully office 500 Tully Rd. | 5. Sunnyvale office 660 S. Fair Oaks Ave. |
2. East Valley office 1993 McKee Rd., EVT #1 San Jose, CA 95116 Bus Route: 81, 71 | 6. San Jose downtown office (Medical plaza) 725 E. Santa Clara St. San Jose, CA 95112 Bus Route: 22, 23, 522 |
3. Gilroy office 7475 Camino Arroyo Gilroy, CA 95020 Bus Route: 84 | 7. Milpitas office 143 N. Main St. Milpitas, CA 95035 Bus Route: 47, 66 |
4. Bascom office 2406 Clove Dr., T-41 San Jose, CA 95128 Bus Route: 25, 62, 85 |
Erica's story

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For more information, visit the MyFamily WIC website, and the California Department of Public Health WIC website.
WIC is a program of the California Department of Public Health. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.