Diabetes Prevention and Wellness Program
The County of Santa Clara Diabetes Prevention and Wellness Program (DPWP) works to make sure that people with prediabetes and gestational diabetes have access to services and resources that respect their cultural backgrounds and support their health and wellbeing. The DPWP encourages systems and policy work that makes it easier for people to access healthy food and beverages, health and wellness resources, and to live in healthy and safe neighborhoods. These approaches support people living longer and healthier lives and decrease type 2 diabetes in the community.
Get involved
The DPWP leads a group of organizations and people interested in preventing type 2 diabetes within Santa Clara County called the DPWP Collaborative. Those who are part of the Collaborative come from community-based, healthcare, government, faith-based, corporate, and academic backgrounds. The DPWP Collaborative helped create the new DPWP Strategic Plan 2023-2028 and will be taking action to implement it over the next five years.
To work on the Strategic Plan with other partners, to join the Collaborative meetings, or to be added to our e-newsletter list, please email Jaime Flores Ricci at [email protected] or Lorna Sumaraga at [email protected].
The DPWP approach
The DPWP uses a health equity approach to support the health and wellness of people with prediabetes and gestational diabetes in Santa Clara County, regardless of background, income level, and insurance coverage. For the next five years (2023-2028), the DPWP and Collaborative will work on the following focus areas of the Strategic Plan:
- Capacity Building: To build capacity among Santa Clara County residents, partners, and healthcare systems to effectively address type 2 diabetes prevention and wellness and advance health equity.
- Clinic to Community Linkages: Cultivate and strengthen linkages between the clinical and community sectors in Santa Clara County to improve type 2 diabetes prevention and wellness.
- Promoting Healthy Neighborhoods: Promote wellness and access to healthy environments in neighborhoods with the highest health disparities.
- Policy and Advocacy: Organize support for type 2 diabetes prevention and wellness policies and funding.
View the DPWP Strategic Plan 2023-2028.
Healthy Communities Branch
1775 Story Road
Suite 120
San Jose, CA 95122
United States
Phone: (408) 793-2700 Fax: (408) 251-4014