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Latinos face significant health inequities

The Latino community is one of the largest racial and ethnic groups in Santa Clara County, making up 25 percent of the County’s population. Although Latinos countywide provide support and care for family members and the community at large, they continue to face higher rates of obesity, diabetes, and COVID deaths than others. Public Health is working to change this with your input. By working directly with the Latino community, Public Health will have the greatest impact.

Taking action

Public Health works closely with partners in the Latino community to help make sure all people have the opportunity to lead a healthy life. In partnership with the Latino community, Public Health is leading a Latino Health Assessment that will lay out an action plan for the next few years.

Read the Latino Health Brief

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Your voice is important

Latino family of six

Photo: The Orozco family from San Jose

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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If you live or work in Santa Clara County and identify as part of the Latino community, we want to hear from you! Everyone is welcome. Sign up for email updates or email [email protected].

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There will be many opportunities to share your feedback, ideas, or experiences at community forums and community meetings. You can choose to receive updates about ways to get involved by signing up for email updates. You will not be asked about your immigration status. Sign up to receive email updates or email [email protected].

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Yes. All information will be in Spanish and English. Interpretation services will also be offered.

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The purpose of the Latino Health Assessment is to improve routine health care and services. Its focus is on areas of concern that influence health, well-being, and quality of life of Latinos who work and live in Santa Clara County. Public Health is working with community stakeholders to better understand what causes Latinos to have poorer health and how to properly address them.

Public Health is constantly working to remove barriers and connect people to resources and services for everything from vaccination to healthy foods. This assessment is a way to meaningfully address and understand health disparities. The previous Latino Health Assessment was conducted in 2012 and a lot has changed since then.

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Public Health will work in partnership with the local community to learn more about the health of Latinos across the county. Through the leadership of County Supervisor Sylvia Arenas and the entire County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors, 2023 kicks off the process of creating an updated Latino Health Assessment for the area. The Latino Health Assessment provides the context required to address and understand the unique health challenges of Latinos who work and live in Santa Clara County. The previous Latino Health Assessment was conducted in 2012. With the involvement from the public and community partners, Public Health will study trends and changes since the 2012 Latino Health Assessment. Together, we are creating a plan for a healthier community.

Read the Latino Health Brief

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