News release
County of Santa Clara kicks off 20th annual Binational Health Week
Health activities scheduled throughout October to benefit thousands of Latinos in Santa Clara County.
How to get the updated COVID vaccine without paying a bundle: County of Santa Clara works to enroll people in health coverage and get them vaccinated
With the recent expansion of Medi-Cal in California, even more people can get vaccinated for free, or at low cost, after health insurance enrollment.
Santa Clara County launches new services to prevent overdoses and save lives
Public Health Department website centralizes county resources and overdose data.
El Departamento de Salud Pública responde a la exposición pública al sarampión en el condado de Santa Clara
Una persona no residente del condado viajó desde el aeropuerto de San José y visitó otro lugar público del condado mientras estaba contagiado de sarampión.
Public Health Department responds to public measles exposure in Santa Clara County
A non-county resident traveled from San Jose Airport and visited an additional public location in the county while contagious with measles.
Videos "virales” enseñan una lección viral gracias al fomento de la salud sexual por parte de los estudiantes de preparatoria del condado de Santa Clara
Videos "virales” enseñan una lección viral gracias al fomento de la salud sexual por parte de los estudiantes de preparatoria del condado de Santa Clara.
“Viral” videos teach viral lesson as Santa Clara County high school students encourage sexual health
“Viral” videos teach viral lesson as Santa Clara County high school students encourage sexual health
Bay Area Health Officials Urge Vigilance as Measles Cases Rise in the US
Bay Area Health Officials Urge Vigilance as Measles Cases Rise in the US
Các trường hợp bệnh lao được báo cáo đã gia tăng ở Hạt Santa Clara
Các trường hợp bệnh lao được báo cáo đã gia tăng ở Hạt Santa Clara
Increased tuberculosis cases reported in Santa Clara County
Increased tuberculosis cases reported in Santa Clara County