Explore SafeDatingSCC to find ways to play a role during Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and year-round. SafeDatingSCC is a proud partner of loveisrespect.org.
Unhealthy relationships can start early and last a lifetime. So-called normal behaviors like teasing or frequent texting can become abusive and develop into something more serious like controlling and violent behaviors. Dating violence is widespread with serious social, emotional and physical health effects. Remember, relationship abuse can happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, income, sexual orientation, religion, or immigration status.
The good news is, dating violence is preventable. We all play a role in preventing teen dating violence and promoting safe, healthy relationships.
Need help now? Get help at loveisrespect.org for you or someone you know by text, chat or call. Visit our Quick Links.
Obtén inmediatamente: Puedes obtener ayuda inmediata en espanol.loveisrespect.org para ti o alguien que conoces llamando, mandando un texto, o por chat. Encuentra ayuda en el condado de Santa Clara en Quick Links.
Sign up for the Santa Clara County Violence Free Communities e-Newsletter to stay up-to-date and follow us on social media.
To learn more about our program and other related efforts, please contact:
Violence Prevention Program
1775 Story Road
Suite 120
San Jose, CA 95122
United States
Phone: (669) 291-5536